Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dick Cheney, Mighty Hunter

By now, everyone has had a wee giggle over Dick Cheney shooting someone in Texas.

As a side note, am I the only person who thought, damn, the Bush family can make ANYTHING legal in Texas?

Anyway, I was watching the Olympics, and heard NBC's carefully neutral take on the topic first. Then my neighborhood lost power, and when the power came back on, my digital cable box needed to cycle up. It defaults to channel five, which, around here, is Fox. Thus it was that I heard Fox's version of the Cheney Chuckle.

According to them, the victim approached the mighty hunter from behind just after a quail was flushed.

Only Fox News* would make it the victim's fault when a member of this administration shoots someone.

* NBC just picked up the "blame the victim" undercurrent. Yeah, between our copycat networks and the New York Times refusing to print the Danish cartoons, I'm really excited about our free and independent media, aren't you?


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