Friday, May 13, 2005


Thanks to the extremely funny Andrew Sullivan, I found this brilliant link skewering the metrosexual trends of the last few years:

I admit I'm naturally on the side of people who keep the frou frou to a minimum. And I hate to rub it in that the metro rountine is about a TENTH of what most women endure if they have "real jobs" where makeup and the like is considered part of the uniform.

Still, let's make a deal here. Gentlemen, we ladies vow to embrace and adore your hairy chests and unstyled hair as soon as you embrace our faces without makeup and the size of our post-pubescent ass. Can't we find some kind of reasonable middle ground between the genders that doesn't make either side suffer? Can't we all stand united AGAINST waxing?

Though it wouldn't be so bad if we all came down in favor of underarm shaving. Some people look like they've got those little troll dolls trapped in a headlock.


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